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AccelerateHER + Techscaler National Meetups

July 20, 2023 - November 22, 2023

AccelerateHER and CodeBase are partnering up to bring a series of national Techscaler meetups to seven regions across Scotland.

Whether you’re working on a fledgling idea for a startup or already in the thick of scaling your tech enterprise, having a community of folks to connect with, share knowledge with, and generally find support amongst is invaluable. For women and non-binary folk in the tech startup world this is even more vital – ensuring you have a network to turn to as you hit each milestone, and when you want to give back to the next wave of inspiring women and non-binary entrepreneurs.

The AccelerateHER and Techscaler by CodeBase teams are excited to be joining forces in bringing dedicated meetups to life across Scotland for this community and peer-support building activity to grow. Meetups where you can come together, hear inspiring stories from fellow women and non-binary founders, and connect for ongoing peer-support.

Techscaler is a programme, run by CodeBase, that creates, develops, and scales startups by connecting founders with experts, teaching world-class playbooks, and hosting spaces for fellow founders to work and hang out. By working together – AccelerateHERxTechscaler by CodeBase provides scalable business with the skills, support, and platform to grow.

The next events will take place in the following regions. Click the links below to register to attend:




July 20, 2023
November 22, 2023


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